Battle of the burn: encore wellness offers tips for preventing holiday heartburn
Battle of the burn: encore wellness offers tips for preventing holiday heartburnGARDEN GROVE, CA -- Besides enjoying the relatives and holiday cheer, this Thanksgiving millions will also be suffering from “holiday” heartburn, acid indigestion and bloating, typically...
Wellness tips for seniors to beat holiday blues
Wellness tips for seniors to beat holiday bluesThe holiday period can bring much joy and happiness to many; but for others the Christmas season can bring on a severe case of the blues or worsen symptoms of depression and anxiety, particularly for the elderly. Overall,...
Exciting new discovery white or brown fat
Exciting new discovery - white or brown fatAll of us know that a healthful diet and exercise are important to our health; and all of us know that exercise will burn calories. So it’s clear that the more exercise we get and the more calories we burn the more likely we...